Join me tonight at 9pm CST to walk through grants LIVE and In-Person! Come and get the HELP you need…Let’s get Pink and Paid!
As Seen In
Hey fam!
I can’t tell you HOW happy I am that you are here. You are about to go on an amazing journey of not only manifesting abundance mentally, but also doing the work in the natural to bring it to fruition, I can’t wait to get started…
Here you will find that we will help you remove the excuses typically associated with LACK. There is no such thing as I can’t afford, or I don’t have…
But the question is are you willing to DO what it takes to change manifest your abundance?
And don’t take too long to decide, your abundance is waiting.
Your Path to Abundance
Resources to Build your Abundance
Startup Capital to start your business
Pink and Paid Startup Capital
For women and minority business owners who need the capital necessary to grow and sustain their business. And YES you are eligible for capital EVEN if you have not yet started your business.
Our 10,000,000 Million Strong initiative is aimed to help under utilized business owners get the capital they need to compete in today’s modern market.
Resources to Quit your Job
The Quit Secret
As a former VP for one of the world’s largest financial institutions I KNOW what it takes to QUIT. But many women are not aware of the many options they have to replace the income they make at a job, so that they can quit a JOB and work when and where they want.
Our pledge is to help 1,000 Women get Ready to transition from full time employment by establishing their women owned business certifications. These certifications make them eligible for lucrative government contracts that can free them ONCE and for all from a JOB and make them a full time CEO without the hassle of finding customer after customer in these internet streets.
Resources to Quit your Job
Her Voice Inspires
If you are someone who wants to take over the world from not just speaking but learning how to Speak Money then this opportunity is for you. By joining our Her Voice Inspires brand you will receive the opportunity to take the stage in virtual events, conferences, retreats and MORE so that you can NOT just say you are a speaker, but have the credibility and social proof to back it up.
More importantly you will learn how to set your rates as a speaker, become highly sought after, and make money from the stage and beyond EVEN if you speak for free (or pay to speak)
If you are serious about building or growing your brand or business through speaking then download The MIC is HOT, 7 ways to stay booked and busy and receive special access to our informational sessions on how you can SPEAK MONEY and mean it.
Support turning your gifts to revenue
Women’s Coaching Collaborative
Many women are so quick to help, listen and support that they don’t see the VALUE in providing things like motivation, inspiration and even what NOT to do. In 2020 we provided over $800,000 in Scholarships to women to help them solidify their gifts and charge their worth.
Now we are offering 1,000,000 Coaching Scholarships to help women become certified in areas such as life coaching, business coaching, relationship coaching and MORE. Our instruction does MORE than certify, it helps you BUILD a business and even get YOUR first clients.
For more information on how YOU can qualify for these partial Scholarships and what all certifications we offer DOWNLOAD your free brochure today and get the credibility you need to turn your gifts and talents into abundance. Once you download you will receive a special invitation to our weekly informational sessions to help you get the jump on letting your GIFTS make room for you.
The network you need to be successful
Women’s Online Network
Connections to Women Internationally
Ready to grow your brand locally, regionally and internationally as well as increase your credibility, resources and leadership skills and make MONEY while doing it?
Looking for the knowledge and the network you need to build generational wealth?
Women’s Online Network may just be the place for you! Now Recruiting Leaders and Members in YOUR city.
Download our Informational Brochure in order to be invited to our weekly information sessions.
I’m Ready for my brand to POP
Pink Opulence Promotions
Are you someone who wants to grow your audience exponentially? Do you KNOW that you have a product or service that was created for the masses and you maybe don’t have the time, or energy to start building your brand from scratch?
Or maybe you have spent years trying to get in front of people that will pay you? And possibly you have gone from coaching program to coaching program spending thousands of dollars and still not getting results.
We have spent the last 12 years and thousands of dollars building conferences, summits, retreats and other highly coveted events in which to market our coaching brand. NOW we are shifting our brand to getting YOU the brand awareness that YOU deserve. We are moving 100% into a branding and promotional agency where our #1 job is to make YOU an influencer with income by getting YOU in front of the people that NEED your product or service including our following of over 200k online (and growing); While making sure your products and services are PRICED right.
Register for the Waitlist to receive details when we launch and to be the first in line to go from unknown to influencer.